About Patrick Quade

Patrick Quade is the founder of DineSafe and Iwaspoisoned.com, crowdsourcing platforms that identify food safety issues in real-time. Patrick combines his data and analytics skills refined during his years on Wall Street, and his knowledge of public health informatics to drive both ventures. Quade has over a decade of experience in crowdsourced surveillance systems and food safety technology, making him a respected figure in the field. His work has helped protect individuals from foodborne illnesses and has contributed to a safer food industry.

He is a co-author on the peer-reviewed paper “A Platform for Crowdsourced Foodborne Illness Surveillance: Description of Users and Reports” published in JMIR Public Health & Surveillance in 2017, which demonstrated the reach of the Iwaspoisoned platform with 49,000+ reports from 89 countries, and established its value for complementing traditional surveillance approaches. Patrick and his food safety platforms have also been featured extensively in the media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal for their role in detecting outbreaks and improving public health outcomes.

Patrick graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from Charles Sturt University, Australia. He is a member of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) and lives in Austin, TX where the headquarters for DineSafe and Iwaspoiconed.com are located.


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